Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Radomly Thankful

Here it is -- my annual random thankful list for 2014.  (i know you've all been on pins and needles waiting) 

In no particular order.  just the things that pop into the hamster wheel.  things over the past year that have been wonderfully wonderful.

1.  my cook lovin husband! he's been on a wild tear, having my supper cooked when i get home form work.  i so love it because cooking is not what i love. but i so love him.

2.  a good year for MSU football

3.  but  so glad my thanksgiving holiday is not determined by the egg bowl

4.  seven -- all of it --- all of the seven weeks of 7

5.  IF:Gathering, IF:Local, IF:Table, IF:Pray

6.  Jennie Allen and Restless

7.  Bethany Services

8.  #hopeandarrow

9.  Robert, Erin, Blaine (in order of their entrance into my family)

10.  Kids who serve Jesus every single week

11.  Kids who have spouses who serve Jesus every single week

12.  Midnight (so thankful he came back after his first accidental visit outdoors in 15 years!)

13.  Haiti

14.  Honduras aka #emmaandnonnieweek

15.  Salvation Army

16.  sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, inlaws, outlaws, all the rest

17.  being emma's favorite

18.  small group girls

19.  dark roast

20.  MSU 2014 graduation

21.  Milam Elementary School

22.  the final ledbetter wedding of this generation!

22.  chocolate cobbler

23.  empty nests

24.  eaglets that occasionally come by to visit (grown children are pretty fun)

25.  baby pruitt and out came the son

26. the fire pit

27. my mother and daddy reunited in heaven

28.  this face

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