Friday, November 7, 2014

Construction Zone

Don't you just hate driving through a construction zone!  Oh my stars and they're never ending in Tupelo!  Every morning about 2 minutes after I leave for work i remember i should have left ten minutes earlier to account for the inevitable traffic due the road work.  Yes, Mayor Shelton , I know.  East Tupelo has SO needed the work done for a big old long time and once it's complete it will be SO worth the inconvenience.  Yes, sir, I do realize, Mayor Shelton, that it is not your personal vendetta to lie awake at night to come up with ways to make me late for work. i hate the delays.  And oh how i've tried to out fox you! 

 At soon as i see that long line of cars my mind spins like a top.  I'll turn here and there trying to just not sit still for the few extra minutes it will take.  I've tried every detour imaginable to me and Siri!   Just when i think i've got it all whipped, there's a TRAIN! Are you kidding me??? Come on!!! Gee Willikers! 

Then one day i actually timed it.  3 min. 27 sec.  that's how many extra minutes it took when i drove through the road construction.  The detours??? The quickest one was an added 6 minutes.  I finally figured out the only reason for taking the detours was just so i wasn't sitting still or going slow.  When i just backed my ears and left 3 min and 27 sec. earlier, quit trying to find a way out,  my road rage subsided and arrived at work with a much friendlier attitude.  just look how blue that sky is!!! What a glorious day it's going to be!  i wonder how hard it is to drive one of those things with the big bucket on it? he looks like he is having fun. 

uh oh...i feel a life lesson coming on. 

When i'm going through a season of "construction" in my life, i often (read:  always)  do everything to avoid it. 

sitting still.  going slow.   that's when the construction takes place.  

"God, just what are you doing here???" 
"Another roadblock???"
"Are you serious???"
"Can you not give me just one tiny little baby break!!!"

But if i just slow down.  quit trying to avoid it.  stop turning the corner every time i see a flagman ahead, i find it's really not so bad.  i might even see God at work.  might even see HOW He's repairing years of damage and the daily wear and tear.  

There are days when i feel like i should be wrapped in caution tape from head to toe.  But at least He's at work!  And it's really really true.  Just like Mayor Shelton loves where he grew up in East Tupelo too much to leave it like it is, God loves me too much to leave me like i am.  One day - not this side of heaven, but one day- this is the sign we'll see!

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