1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asks.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 600 followers.
4. Ask those 11 nominees 11 questions.
5. Inform the bloggers you've nominated so the chain can continue.
II. Here's my answers to Blaine's questions

Kauai! Go there! Go NOW
2. Give a short and sweet explanation on your blog's name.
"Done with Tomorrow" it's tomorrow and I'm done with it. Actually you can read that here
3. Ever had a completely tragic Pinterest fail? Tell us about it!
Wait. i don't get it. you mean you're actually supposed to DO the stuff you find and re-pin on pinterest???? get outa town!!
4. What's one book you've read recently that you'd recommend to all of your readers right now? (Fiction or nonfiction) SEVEN by Jen Hatmaker. i know. i'm still not over it.
5.What's one thing you really, really, REALLY want to do but don't have the courage, money, resources, etc. to do right now? Buy my very own motorcycle (not one i have to ride on the back)
6. What's your most favorite/greatest memory in the past year?
Haiti Mission Trip for sure! followed by #emma&nonnieweek
7. What's one piece of blogging advice you'd give to new bloggers?
But I am a new blogger so....??? But i still follow my favorite English Teacher's advice: KISS
Keep it Short & Simple! Also, lists (like this) are a great way to get your point across.
8. If you were given $1,000 and told to do what you want with it, what would you use it for? (be honest, you can be selfish this one time!) a week at one of those SPA Resorts!!! ahhhh yes!

9. In the South, people are all about comfort food... what's your favorite comfort food/meal?
German Chocolate Pecan Pie
<-------- my daddy's recipe he saved in a cigar box
10.Where's the one spot in your house where you can totally relax, get away from distractions, and just have a moment alone?
Amy's old room-it's my new quiet time spot. I love this room. Antique furniture. quilts. rocking chair. AND it usually always stays neat and tidy.
11. Pretend you're being featured on Ellen, Live with Kelly & Micheal, or The Today Show (for example), what's one topic you'd want to discuss during your segment on the show?
It wouldn't be political that's for sure! Maybe something light and easy like my favorite coffee drinks or what to do after you've eaten so much candy corn you could hurl. yeah that's real spiritual. i know. can't help it sometimes.
III. My Nominations are: And since Blaine only nominated 5 instead of 11 i will follow her example and nominate a lesser amount than she did!
My questions for the above mentioned Lovelies:
1. What's the best job ever? And please give credence as to why you hold this view.
2. Today is October 2, 2014. Fall is oh so very close to us Mississippians. What are your favorite fall activities?
3. What is the one thing you know for sure Jesus will have waiting on you the minute you open your eyes in heaven?
4. Best advice for a bad hair day?
5. What one lesson have you learned the hard way? Please change names to protect the guilty.
6. What caused you to start blogging?
7. Christmas! Name 2 traditions you will NOT let go of
8. Name 2 Christmas traditions you no longer hold on to-maybe you had to compromise with a spouse
9. Where would you HATE to spend a Christmas holiday?
10. Favorite CLASSIC novel
11. what are your personal signs that you need to slow down and take a break?
Hope you all enjoy this as much as I have!!!
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