Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Some Random Haitian Thoughts

I started the trip taking notes randomly, so I think I will just share them randomly.

1.  I gave Stephanie such a hard time with her "Tigisms", but here's a quote from our Shannie that made me smile today:  "In America you see little quilts from the Airplane windows.  Here, there's just nothing.  Maybe a mountain."

2.  8 hr bus ride. 1/2 the day we flew in, then stopped for supper and spent the night because the DR - Haitian border closes at 5 pm.  I remember laying down after a very long day.  I started praying for rest and a good night's sleep when it occurred to me that I don't remember Jesus or Paul ever praying for their own comfort.  Not once. Not in jail.  Not in the garden.  Not on the cross.  Even in prison, Paul prayed for spiritual wisdom and revelation, not rest.  In the garden Jesus prayed for his followers to have unity.  He prayed for me, not that the crucifixion wouldn't be painful.  I am so spoiled. 

3. First day in country. grab a bunk. Clinic is set up. Rest. After lunch, the people start to come to the Clinic. We have a NP, April Robbins, 2 RN's, Mary Darby and Melanie Ard; and a Respiratory
Therapist, Chasity Hall. The large group is waiting in the church and 10-12 people at a time are sent up to a pavilion where Matt shares the Gospel message through a translator before assessing patients begins. Kinda like when the nurse calls you in the waiting room and you think FINALLY, but then you just go to another waiting room! Then, Chasity runs triage-getting their ailments and "medical history" which is such a ridiculous statement for me to make. Medical history? They have no medical history. Blood pressure is checked and a dose of "worm" medicine is given to each patient (at least what we can keep Renea from taking herself!) We are not equipped for anything serious. But during the afternoon, we see a strange sight. A woman is being carried up to the pavilion by 4 men in one of those plastic patio chairs. Remind you of a Bible story?? She's obviously in bad shape. Her breathing is erratic and she is so swollen, fluid is seeping from her pores. Not sure all of what her problems are, but she has a 4 month old baby and has never fully recovered from complications experienced at birth. All the medical staff comes out to see her because there is no way to get her inside. The translators share with us that she believes there is a curse on her. We pray over her even though she cannot understand. The Holy Spirit translates as we boldly go before the Throne of Grace. HMM takes her across the border to the closest medical facility which is not much better; it's a little like a trying to do surgery at your school nurse's office! All has been done. She is placed in God's care as we watch the truck leave the compound. A day or so later (it all runs together!) we found out the precious lady did not survive. We are so broken by the news. This would never happen in the riches of America. On Sunday afternoon we are allowed to visit the family. We are greeted so graciously by the mother. We ask if we can pray for her. When the translator explains, she immediately hits her knees as we all gather in, laying hands on this broken heart for whom Jesus came. It's an amazing time. Healing. Comforting. 


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