Today I prayed a desperate prayer, begging, pleading, groaning. Did the ugly cry. All for a woman I have never met and probably never will. I think of her all the time. every day. Yet I know nothing about her.
How old she is.
Where she lives.
What she does.
Who her friends and family are.
But i love her so. She's one of the most selfless women I've never met.
You see, she's going to let me be Nonnie to her precious baby.
I wonder things about her every single day. Does she know yet? Is this the day she will decide? Just how scared is she? Does she have a momma to help her through? Will she take care of herself today? Is she taking the right vitamins? Has anyone told her how brave she is? Has anyone told her how much Jesus loves her and that He died just so she and her sweet baby can have life and have it to the full? Anyone? Does she know it's all going to work out and be ok? Does she? Does she know...can she sense that someone she's never even heard of is interceding on her behalf and on behalf of her precious cargo?
One day (hopefully sooner rather than later) THE CALL will come through to Amy and Robert (and of course the best big sister ever), that I have another precious grandbaby to love on and spoil completely rotten, who will wrap us all around that sweet little finger. I just want her first mom to know and rest assured that she has done the most unselfish thing imaginable. This child will have a forever mom and dad who are committed to each other, committed to Christ and His church. He or she will have a big sister to teach the really important things like "now's not the best time to ask for that" or "how to get out of taking a nap before your birthday party." He or she will be loved, taught, taken care of, by a tribe of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and don't even get me started about the church families who will step up and provide nurturing and encouragement beyond belief.
I want to tell her thank you for doing the hard thing. We won't ever know just how hard. But we won't forget either. Thank you. "May grace and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to who be glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Gal. 1:3-5)